Written by Emily Harstone March 30th, 2017

The Black Napkin: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

The Black Napkin, an online poetry journal launched in 2016, is now seeking submissions for their upcoming issues. They are looking for poetry penned with urgent strength, poetry that needs to be heard. They like writing that disrupts the borderlines of genre and identity, and they actively seek work by marginalized poets–people of color, people who are disabled, women, people who identify as nonbinary, people who identify as neurodivergent, people who identify as asexual, immigrants, people who are undocumented, trauma survivors, atheists, agnostics, members of underrepresented religions—any poets whose voices are often unheard in the media, The Black Napkin wants to hear them. They publish a variety of poetic styles, and tend to favor feeling over formal considerations. To get a sense of what they like, you can read past issues online.

The Black Napkin is published monthly online, and each issue contains work from around a dozen poets. They have published ten consecutive monthly issues to date, and they accept submissions on a rolling basis.

Poets may submit two to six poems, up to ten pages in total length. Submissions should include a short third-person bio, 100 words or fewer. The Black Napkin accepts found and erasure poems, as long as they adhere to the guidelines outlined on their website. Submitting poets can expect a response within about 30 days.

The Black Napkin accepts submissions online, but not via post or email. They accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that poets notify them immediately if their poems are published elsewhere. They do not accept previously published work.

If you would like to learn more or submit to The Black Napkin, please visit their website at http://www.black-napkin-press.com/online-journal.


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