Written by Ella Peary November 19th, 2015

Image: Submission Guidelines

Image, a print and online quarterly, publishes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction inspired by religious faith. They seek work that engages with Western spiritual traditions—Judaism, Islam, and Christianity—with the sincere spirit of a seeker, transcending dogma. Through the smallness of everyday humdrum and havoc, the authors of Image open readers to the big, broad questions of human life. Image is read worldwide, and though they feature many well-known writers, they also include new voices. You can read Image online to get a sense of what they publish, or you can read their blog, Good Letters.

Each issue of Image features work by about a dozen authors. Image accepts submissions year-round, and submitting writers can expect a response within about six months. Their blog, Good Letters, is published daily and accepts submissions of personal or cultural essays year-round.

Poets may submit to Image up to five poems or ten pages of poetry. Fiction and nonfiction writers may submit short stories or creative essays, 3,000 to 6,000 words. Nonfiction writers may query about submitting interviews or profiles of contemporary artists. Nonfiction writers may also submit creative essays to Good Letters, 800 to 1,000 words.

Image accepts submissions online and by post, but not via email. Good Letters only accepts submissions online. They accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that writers withdraw work published elsewhere. They do not accept previously published work.

If you’d like to learn more or submit to Image, please visit their website at http://imagejournal.org/journal/submit/.




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