Written by Emily Harstone December 2nd, 2015

Ulysses Press: Submission Guidelines

Updated March 13th 2020

Ulysses Press is an independent publisher that has been around for almost a decade. They focus on publishing non-fiction books aimed at niche markets.  It is a good idea to go through their catalog before submitting to see if your work is a good fit for their press.

They are looking for books on the forefront of emerging trends, books that have a unique angle on an established topic, or books that fill a demonstrated niche in the trade book market. They publish a variety of books aimed at children and teens. Occasionally they publish fiction for adults.

Submissions must be made by post. Submitters should expect to wait at least three months before hearing a response. Make sure you include self-addressed stamped envelope and your email addresses. Acceptances, rejections, and other correspondence may be conducted via e-mail. Inclusion of a working e-mail address may dramatically reduce response times.

Please submit a brief synopsis of the project that is no more than 2 pages in length. Include an annotated table of contents, 1-2 sample chapters, and an author biography. Also include your market research that contains a description of the target audience, and a brief comparison of competitive titles.

To learn more or to submit visit their website here.


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